Snip20150804_1 Whether you knew it at the time or not, you have likely interacted with or assisted a library user with autism, as it is the fastest growing disability according to Autism Speaks, a national Autism advocacy organization. This course, designed by experts in both the library and autism fields, is a series of four independent, self-paced instructional modules that are intended for librarians and library staff to learn how to better serve their users on the autism spectrum. PALS is funded by a Laura Bush Professional Development grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.


Research-based checklists, examples of materials, tip sheets, lists, templates, and additional resources are included throughout the course to assist you to implement best practices in your unique library setting.
  1. Module One: About Autism in the Library

  2. Module Two: Arranging the Library Environment

  3. Module Three: Communicating with Individuals with Autism

  4. Module Four: Interacting with Technology